My Life

I am Marhione Bien C. Bravo, from Solid west,Vigan City. I was born at August 06, 2009, i am currently 15 yeqrs old. I am the eldest out of three siblings, my elder sisters name is Myckee Anne C. Bravo, she is 6 years old and my young sisters name is Myecee Elize Bravo and she just recently turned 1 year old. My fathers name is Marc Christopher A. Bravo and my mothers name is Marianne C. Bravo, They both work for the goverment. I am currently studying at ILOCOS SUR NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (ISNHS). I love to spend time with my family and friends. My compassion is to play badminton and watch matches. I train in the morning and the evening, i used to be lazy. My future plan is to become a varsity on UNIVESITY OF SANTO TOMAS (UST), i want to become a engineer. I want become the philippine rank ...